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Frequently asked questions

How noisy is the purifier?

Our latest purifier is acoustically engineered to operate quietly – even at its highest power setting. So it reduces your exposure to pollution, without disturbing you at the office or in the classroom. It records just 55dBA of sound power at full speed.

Other purifiers claim “HEPA” standard – why is Dyson special?

In Dyson’s latest purifiers, it’s not just the filter that meets HEPA H13 standard, it’s the whole purifier. So they don’t just capture pollutants, they prevent them from leaking back into the air you breathe. High-pressure seals at 24 critical points, combined with Dyson’s fully-sealed filtration system, means our whole purifier meets HEPA H13 standard. So what goes inside, stays inside.

Why do some competitor machines have a lower dB reading than Dyson purifiers?

Some manufacturers publish dB readings based on Sound Pressure levels, which can be easily manipulated by changes in the environment. They might also be tested at low fan speeds which can limit purification performance.

At Dyson we measure and publish Sound Power levels dB(A) – the pure reading taken directly from the machine – at maximum fan speed, where purification is at its optimum.

Why does the new purifier have a CO₂ sensor?

Increased CO₂ levels can impact cognitive function. Our latest purifier senses and reports CO₂ levels and notifies when they exceed recommended levels, alerting on the LCD screen when to ventilate.


  • 1 Test completed in a 100 m2/1000ft2 (12.7m x 7.9m) room with the purifier placed in one corner and source of pollution in opposite corner. The room had 36 sensors to determine PM2.5 distribution and purification. Results may vary in practice..
  • 2 Particle challenge by DEHS oil specified in EN1822 within a chamber specified in ASTM F3150. Tested in Max Mode at IBR US, for whole machine efficiency above 99.95%.
  • 3 Third party full machine testing based on GB/T 18801-2022 formaldehyde cumulative clean mass testing with continuous injection until plateau of formaldehyde CADR is achieved. Results may vary in practice.
  • 4 Tested for filtration efficiency at 0.1 microns (EN1822, ISO29364).