Let's get your machine working.
Dyson 360 Vis Nav™
Let's get your machine working.
Dyson 360 Vis Nav™-
MyDyson™ app and connectivity
Already connected
Activity maps are incorrect, offset or at the wrong angle
Issue resolved
Issue not resolved, please speak to our Customer Support Team.
My machine's connection is intermittent
Issue resolved
Issue not resolved, please speak to our Customer Support Team.
Some of my app features are not available
Dust maps show an unusually high volume of dust
Issue not resolved, please speak to our Customer Support Team.
My robot's scheduled clean does not start
My machine won't automatically update
I can't start a clean using the app
How do I add a new Wi-Fi router or access point?
Query resolved
Issue not resolved, please speak to our Customer Support Team.
Not connected
I'm having trouble connecting my robot
The machine isn't completing the connection
The app is showing an error
Complete set-up
I'm having trouble with this step
Issue not resolved, please speak to our Customer Support Team.
Connecting your robot
Add machine
Pair the machine
I'm having trouble pairing with the machine
Enter Wi-Fi details
Start connection
I'm having trouble with my Wi-Fi
The app isn't finding my machine
I'm having trouble with this step
I didn't receive a login code email
I'm unable to find or install the MyDyson™ app
I'm having trouble logging into the MyDyson™ app
I'm not sure
Using my robot offline
Adding a new Wi-Fi router or access point
Using the MyDyson™ app
How do I view my machine's activity?
Mapping and Zoning
How do I map my home?
How do I set restrictions?
How do I zone my map?
How do I start a directed clean?
How do I use cleaning modes?
How do I start a clean?
How do I schedule my machine?
Machine settings
Changing the machine location settings
Managing notifications
Editing your robot's name
How do I switch between my machines?
Software Updates
Query resolved
Issue unresolved
MyDyson™ app and connectivity
Fault codes
ADC error
Preventing this fault
How do I resolve this fault?
Bin not detected
How do I resolve this fault?
Unable to dock
Preventing this fault
Airways blocked
How do I resolve this fault?
Preventing this fault
Check bin level
Vacuum calibration missing
How do I resolve this fault?
Filter not detected
How do I resolve this fault?
Filter not detected
Check bin level
Check airways
Distance sensor calibration error
Drop detected at start of clean
Preventing this fault
ADC error
Unclean distance sensor
How do I resolve this fault?
Distance sensor error
Distance sensor communication error
Distance sensor calibration error
Drop sensor maintenance alert
How do I resolve this fault?
ADC error
Non-drop sensor maintenance alert
Distance sensor error
Unclean distance sensor
Distance sensor error
Camera calibration error
Camera unplugged
Distance sensor error
Distance sensor calibration error
Distance sensor calibration error
Cannot find a route back to dock
Preventing this fault
Dirty obstacle sensors - Cannot find a route back to dock
Preventing this fault
Cannot find a route back to dock
Insufficient features to find location
Preventing this fault
Safety prevents motion
Safety prevents motion
Safety prevents motion
High uncertainty in discovery
Preventing this fault
Navigation sensor error
Preventing this fault
Persistent location lost
Preventing this fault
Internal temperature too cold
Preventing this fault
Internal temperature too hot
Safety prevents motion
Discovered wrong floor
Safety prevents motion
Safety prevents motion
Persistent location jump
Safety prevents motion
Safety prevents motion
Software error
Replacement fault
Low battery
Dirty obstacle sensors - Low battery
Preventing this fault
Low battery
Low battery at clean start
Camera exposure not settled
Preventing this fault
Unable to start
Unable to start
Failed to set state
Unable to start
Software error
Software error
Unhandled alert
Safety prevents motion
Edge actuator - Brush bar motor too hot
Could not start LCD screen
Low level PCB communication error
Wheel stuck
Failed to upgrade
How do I resolve this fault?
Low memory
Preventing this fault
Failed to save map
Unable to start
Configuration data missing
Unable to upload robot logs
Preventing this fault
Dhcp - Software error
IMU data error
Zoned map error
Preventing this fault
Software error
Unable to start
Configuration data missing
Unable to start
Unable to start
Unable to start
Inconsistent Sensor Time - Software error
Robot too hot
Vacuum fault
Illumination ring error
Routine maintenance
How do I resolve this fault?
Robot too hot
Safety prevents motion
ADC error
Wheel motor too hot
Preventing this fault
Charge contact too hot
How do I resolve this fault?
Preventing this fault
Dirt detect sensor error
Optical flow sensor error
Robot lifted
How do I resolve this fault?
Robot cannot recover from a drop
How do I resolve this fault?
Rotated - Robot lifted
Safety prevents motion
ADC error
Left wheel - Wheel motor too cold
Left wheel - Wheel motor too hot
Safety prevents motion
Right wheel - Wheel motor too cold
Right wheel - Wheel motor too hot
Safety prevents motion
Brush bar motor too cold
Brush bar motor too hot
Wheel stuck
Wheel stuck
How do I resolve this fault?
Edge actuator stuck
How do I resolve this fault?
Edge actuator stuck
Edge actuator switch stuck
Brush bar motor too hot
Wheel motor too hot
Brush bar stuck
How do I resolve this fault?
Wheel stuck
Wheel hardware failure
Wheel hardware failure
Robot stuck
How do I resolve this fault?
Brush bar stuck
Brush bar motor too hot
Brush bar motor too cold
Brush bar motor winding failure
Brush bar communication failure
Brush bar communication failure
Brush bar stuck
Brush bar motor too hot
Brush bar motor too cold
Brush bar motor winding failure
Brush bar communication failure
Brush bar communication failure
Battery pack - ADC error
Unable to shut down
Battery locked out
Battery disconnected
How do I resolve this fault?
Battery low voltage
Battery charge required
Battery too hot
How to locate the serial number
Spare parts and replacement instructions
Dock and power
Part replacement instructions
Purchase part
Power supply
Part replacement instructions
Purchase part
Part replacement instructions
Purchase part
Main body and cyclone
Part replacement instructions
Purchase part
Brush bar cover
Part replacement instructions
Part replacement instructions - step-by-step
Purchase part
Part replacement instructions
Purchase part
Brush bar
Part replacement instructions
Cyclone and handle
Part replacement instructions
Purchase part
Edge cleaner
Part replacement instructions
Part replacement instructions - step-by-step
Purchase part
FDC seal
Part replacement instructions
Purchase part
Part replacement instructions
Purchase part
Filter housing
Part replacement instructions
Purchase part
Brush bar cover lever
Part replacement instructions
Part replacement instructions - step-by-step
Purchase part
Robot is displaying an alert
Check airways alert
Removing a blockage step-by-step
Check the filter
Replacement part required
Washing your filter step-by-step
Low battery alert
Off the dock
On the dock
Replacement part required
The dock is powered
Bin not detected alert
Brush bar stuck alert
Clearing your robot's brush bar step-by-step
Check bin level alert
Edge cleaner stuck alert
Wash filter alert
Removing a blockage step-by-step
Washing your filter
Washing your filter step-by-step
Filter not detected alert
Drop detected alert
Place on dock alert
Robot moved alert
Routine check alert
Robot stuck alert
System error detected
High temperature alert
Unable to dock alert
Issue with dock
The dock light is illuminated
The dock light is not illuminated
Unable to return to dock alert
Wheel stuck alert
Drop sensors obscured alert
Issue resolved
Robot lifted alert
Query resolved
Low temperature alert
Query resolved
Optics obscured alert
Issue resolved
Docking issues
Replacement part required
Robot is displaying an alert
My robot is not docking correctly
My robot is lost
Robot is lost
My robot is stuck
Mapping and zone cleaning
My robot is ignoring restrictions
Incorrect power mode
My robot is not generating a map
My robot is missing areas
Robot is still missing areas
Zone name is not shown on the status screen
Unpleasant noise or smell
Damp or musty smell
Parts are dry
Clearing blockages
Removing a blockage step-by-step
Washing the filter
Washing your filter step-by-step
Parts have come into contact with water
Parts were completely dried
Issue not resolved, please speak to our Customer Support Team
The vacuum noise changes
My robot makes a rattling noise
My robot makes a squeaking noise
Check the brush bar
My robot is too noisy
My robot makes a whirring noise
Performance issues
Low performance
Check for blockages
Removing a blockage step-by-step
My robot prompts to wash the filter too often
Removing a blockage step-by-step
Power or electrical issues
My robot takes a long time to charge
The machine is overheating
Machine has no power
LCD screen is off
Power cut out during a clean
An alert is showing on the screen
Robot is on the dock
Replacement part required
LCD screen is on
The robot is paused
My robot recharges during cleans too often
Check airways
The screen is not working correctly
Unusual behaviours
My robot didn't start its clean
My robot gets lost in dark areas
My robot is moving without vacuuming or using the brush bar
My robot has stopped but the timer is still counting
My robot repeatedly gets stuck in the same areas
Preparing your home
My robot keeps bumping into objects
My robot has paused by itself
My robot spins in a circle
Check the Brush bar and wheels
My robot started an unexpected clean
Cleaning your camera lens and sensors
Emptying your bin
Washing your brush bar
Washing your brush bar step-by-step
Washing your filter
Washing your filter step-by-step
Intelligent dust predictions
Setting up your robot's dock
Starting a clean
Download the user manual
Popular queries
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Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
We're glad the problem's been solved.
Please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.
We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
But our Customer Support Team will be able to solve your problem.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
We're glad the problem's been solved.
Please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.
We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
We're glad the problem's been solved.
Please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.
We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
But our Customer Support Team will be able to solve your problem.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
Power supply
Part no. 970490-01
Power supply
Part no. 970490-01
Your machine may be eligible for free replacement parts
Is your machine under warranty?

Thanks! We've received your details
We've sent a confirmation email and will be in touch soon to help resolve your issue or book you a new part.

Sorry - there's been a technical issue
Please resubmit the form. Or contact our experts through another channel
Sorry - your machine is no longer eligible for free replacement parts. You can purchase your new part below.
Power supply
Part no. 970490-01
Plug into the dock to charge your robot.
Out of stock.
Wall dock
Part no. 970488-01

Wall dock
Part no. 970488-01
Your machine may be eligible for free replacement parts
Is your machine under warranty?

Thanks! We've received your details
We've sent a confirmation email and will be in touch soon to help resolve your issue or book you a new part.

Sorry - there's been a technical issue
Please resubmit the form. Or contact our experts through another channel
Sorry - your machine is no longer eligible for free replacement parts. You can purchase your new part below.

Wall dock
Part no. 970488-01
Place anywhere in your home. The robot automatically returns to its dock to charge when needed.
Out of stock.
We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
But our Customer Support Team will be able to solve your problem.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
Part no. 971709-01

Part no. 971709-01
Your machine may be eligible for free replacement parts
Is your machine under warranty?

Thanks! We've received your details
We've sent a confirmation email and will be in touch soon to help resolve your issue or book you a new part.

Sorry - there's been a technical issue
Please resubmit the form. Or contact our experts through another channel
Sorry - your machine is no longer eligible for free replacement parts. You can purchase your new part below.

We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
But our Customer Support Team will be able to solve your problem.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
But our Customer Support Team will be able to solve your problem.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
But our Customer Support Team will be able to solve your problem.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
But our Customer Support Team will be able to solve your problem.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
Part no. 970494-01

Part no. 970494-01
Your machine may be eligible for free replacement parts
Is your machine under warranty?

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We've sent a confirmation email and will be in touch soon to help resolve your issue or book you a new part.

Sorry - there's been a technical issue
Please resubmit the form. Or contact our experts through another channel
Sorry - your machine is no longer eligible for free replacement parts. You can purchase your new part below.

Part no. 970493-01

Part no. 970493-01
Your machine may be eligible for free replacement parts
Is your machine under warranty?

Thanks! We've received your details
We've sent a confirmation email and will be in touch soon to help resolve your issue or book you a new part.

Sorry - there's been a technical issue
Please resubmit the form. Or contact our experts through another channel
Sorry - your machine is no longer eligible for free replacement parts. You can purchase your new part below.

We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
But our Customer Support Team will be able to solve your problem.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
But our Customer Support Team will be able to solve your problem.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
But our Customer Support Team will be able to solve your problem.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
We're glad the problem's been solved.
Please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.
We're glad the problem's been solved.
Please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.
We're glad the problem's been solved.
Please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.
We're glad the problem's been solved.
Please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.
Wall dock
Part no. 970488-01

Wall dock
Part no. 970488-01
Your machine may be eligible for free replacement parts
Is your machine under warranty?

Thanks! We've received your details
We've sent a confirmation email and will be in touch soon to help resolve your issue or book you a new part.

Sorry - there's been a technical issue
Please resubmit the form. Or contact our experts through another channel
Sorry - your machine is no longer eligible for free replacement parts. You can purchase your new part below.

Wall dock
Part no. 970488-01
Place anywhere in your home. The robot automatically returns to its dock to charge when needed.
Out of stock.
We need a little more information to help us solve your issue.
Please contact our customer service team on 0800 298 0298, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom